Our research is about the sleeping durations of Secondary school express students in Singapore.
We chose this area of focus because we wanted to do something related to possible issues faced by The School of Science and Technology, Singapore. SST is one of the five Future schools in Singapore and every student in SST owns a MacBook for academic purposes. However, some SST students use their MacBooks for non-academic purposes, which might hinder their productivity and sleeping duration. Sleep is very important for growing teenagers and parents of SST students might be worried for their children who sleep later than advised.
We will be comparing the average sleeping duration of SST students to that of other students from various express secondary schools. We will also be comparing other things such as sleeping time, whether they own a laptop, how many hours they spend on their laptop doing non-academic things, whether they use the computer for their schoolwork, and the reasons that affect their sleeping duration.
Our research will give parents and teachers of SST students a better idea of whether the amount of sleep SST students get is acceptable.
We chose this area of focus because we wanted to do something related to possible issues faced by The School of Science and Technology, Singapore. SST is one of the five Future schools in Singapore and every student in SST owns a MacBook for academic purposes. However, some SST students use their MacBooks for non-academic purposes, which might hinder their productivity and sleeping duration. Sleep is very important for growing teenagers and parents of SST students might be worried for their children who sleep later than advised.
We will be comparing the average sleeping duration of SST students to that of other students from various express secondary schools. We will also be comparing other things such as sleeping time, whether they own a laptop, how many hours they spend on their laptop doing non-academic things, whether they use the computer for their schoolwork, and the reasons that affect their sleeping duration.
Our research will give parents and teachers of SST students a better idea of whether the amount of sleep SST students get is acceptable.
A poll conducted in Singapore on 940 students in various secondary schools has revealed that 80% of Singaporean secondary schools students get less than eight hours of sleep, while only 2.6% get the recommended nine hours. The results are extremely worrying and many parents are concerned about the amount of sleep their children get. The survey showed that 66.5% of the students slept late due to homework, revision, as well as other late-night activities such as watching television, surfing the internet, and chatting online. The results were compared to a similar survey done in United States and the situation in Singapore appeared to be much worse. About 9% of American students got 9 or more ours of sleep, compared to 2.6% here.
(Jaganathan, 2007)
Another survey conducted by The Singapore Sleep Society found that 97% of junior college students feel drowsy during class and require caffeinated beverages to stay awake during the day. The recently published Philips Index for Health and Well-being report, an international research, found that 35% of people feel that not getting enough sleep impacts their physical and mental health. (Wong, 2011)
There are many bad effects of sleeping late. Research has shown that sleeping late causes stress, preventing us from focusing on given tasks, which will result in poor performance. People who are deprived of sleep tend to be more irritable and moody. Lack of sleep also affects us aesthetically, causing our face will age at a quicker pace. Acne and other skin problems also tend to occur more in people who have little sleep. Sleeping late also leads to even more severe consequences, such as diseases and illnesses. Studies have shown that sleeping late increases the chance of having cancer, diabetes and hypertension. (Jammin, 2011)
Our group would like to compare the sleeping duration of SST students compared to that of students from other express secondary schools. This will allow us to find out about the factors that affect the sleeping duration of SST students so that we can make improvements to our lifestyle.
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