Friday, June 29, 2012

4) In your opinion, what are the roles and responsibilities for the Leader, Blog Manager, Schedule Manager and Public Relations Manager? Why?


  1. Leader: To guide and encourage team members to work towards a same goal or outcome together as a team

    Blog Manager: A person who manages the group's blog and also organize past data in a easy-to-read way.

    Schedule Manager: A person who chases after people for homework and also a person who is important as he/she has to plan out what must be submitted when.

    Public Relations Manager: A person who helps us to do our research on others. A public Relations Manager is the one who manages like who we are going to interview and help to stay in contact with some people should we want to further interview that person.

  2. The leader should humbly guide and motivate group members towards the end goal and help everyone stay on track.

    The blog manager should be responsible for posting materials or instructions on the blog on the day it was given so that the group members can dutifully complete the tasks.

    The schedule manager should organize group meetings and occasionally remind group members to submit their contributions on time.

    The public relations manager should keep in touch with people who could help us or people we might want to interview.

  3. Leader: The person who manages other people, assigning them roles, and is the main force for success.
    Blog manager: Is responsible for posting details on the blog so that group members can review them and/or do their tasks.
    Schedule manager: Is the one who is responsible for everyone's punctual handing in of work.
    The public relations manager will be the one contacting others with experience in a certain field.

  4. Leader: To manage and control all group activities, motivate and push people to the goal and target in mind.
    Blog manager: Responsible for posting information we have for the group's benefit
    Schedule manager: Responsible for keeping the group up to task on time
    Public relations manager: Responsible for communications outside of the group.
